Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Constant Battle (head-heart-health guest post)

Hello friends.

I discovered the website a few weeks ago and after about an hour of browsing, I added it to my mental list of blogs to read on a regular basis. In fact, if I would've found it earlier, I probably would have included it in my "free soul pancakes" post. (

And when I found out that Katie (the founder of the website) accepted guest posts, I decided to write one.

The first one I sent was called "The Importance of Self-Validation" and although it was an honest story about how I learned to validate myself instead of seeking validation from others, I would be lying if I said I didn't sugarcoat it a teensy bit. Considering I only feel completely self-validated about 20% of the time, I suppose I wasn't in too much of a position to tell others to validate themselves.

Of course, Katie saw right through it. She told me to dig deeper. She wanted an honest glimpse into my soul. She wanted to hear the kinds of things I only whisper to myself.

At first, I was hesitant and resistant to dig deeper. I didn't think I had a deep enough wound to show, and almost decided not to submit another post. I started to wonder if head-heart-health was really the right publication for me.

But after a bad/emotional/anxiety-filled week last week, I was finally able to churn out this vulnerable little gem that sounds a lot like something I would write in my journal, as opposed to something I would get published on the internet.

It is the most personal piece I've ever had published and I'm equally excited and nervous to share it with you. I really hope you love it.

Thank you Katie for challenging me to step out of my comfort zone and take my writing to a new level.

Click here to read my post:

<3 Madison


  1. That little piece led me here and now I've started following your blog as something to read on the regular :) That really was great work, amazing words, thank you so much for sharing that.

    1. Celynne!

      Thank you so much. I'm really glad you liked it.

      <3 Madison

  2. You wrote an amazing piece Madison and I am so proud to have it on my site. Thank you for your vulnerability. Your writing and experience is beautiful and moving. x

    1. Thank you. <33 I love your website and I was excited to be featured on it. :-)
