Thursday, November 22, 2012

20 things I'm grateful for

I feel so inspired by all the posts on thankfulness I've been seeing this week. I try to count and appreciate my blessings on a daily basis, and what better day to share them than on Thanksgiving? 

2012 has been a wonderful year so far. It's had its ups and downs, as every year does, but I really feel like I've grown as a person and learned how to be more appreciative of everything that I used to take for granted. 

Here are 20 random things I'm grateful for:

1. The above photo. It's adorable.
2. All the people I love and all the people who love me back
3. My wonderful doggies
4. Autumn weather
5. Uncontrollable laughter
6. Work I enjoy
7. My health
8. Barnes & Noble
9. Happiness
10. Inspiration
11. Pita chips
12. Fearless love
13. Music
14. Ice cream
15. The roof over my head
16. Clean water
17. Food
18. New beginnings
19. Nice people
20. YOU

And many, many more! :-)

What are you thankful for this year?

<3 Madison     

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